Our Story
Since 1977, children and adults have come to Carol Chesley’s Studio of Dance to learn dance technique and to develop from basic beginners into advanced, mature dancers in the arts of ballet, pointe, tap, modern, jazz and contemporary.
September registration enrolls students for two semesters. During the first semester, students concentrate on technique and terminology. Parents are invited to observe class during the open house in December. The second semester will consist of the students learning a dance choreographed for their specific class. NO NEW STUDENTS ARE ACCEPTED FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER. The year culminates in a professionally staged dance recital.
Our Facility
Carol Chesley’s Studio of Dance began our third decade by opening a new facility in Catonsville. Included in the design of the new studio are a full mirrored wall and permanent barres. the 480 square foot dance floor consists of a sprung floor system for maximum resilliency and a state-of-the-art surface for safety and comfort of the students.